Vaccines not protecting farmed fish from disease


Well-Known Member

Interesting article.

Yea that's not good news for our +ff friends.

from the paper....

Fish vaccination is considered crucial in global fish aquaculture but unfortunately, efficacy in the field may be limited by different factors such as temperature, stress and the transient nature of adaptive immunity in these animals. This study explored the interaction between the detrimental effects of pathogen coinfection and the protective effects of vaccination in fish. It provides evidence for the first time that sea lice can override the protective effects of vaccination against a bacterial pathogen in Atlantic salmon, reducing the survival and growth of vaccinated fish and concomitantly increasing bacterial load and clinical signs of disease when compared to fish with a single infection.

Coinfection takes its toll:
Sea lice override the protective effects of vaccination against a bacterial pathogen in Atlantic salmon
Yes, overwhelming evidence that we are putting our wild salmon in direct harms way when they have to swim past the gauntlets of fish farms on their way out to the ocean. Vaccinating these fish is no guarantee that these fish won't spread disease and it almost certainly seems that it may actually be lowering their immune systems so they are susceptible to further diseases. The video's of disease'd and virus laden fish farmed fish from the Broughton and other area's along our coast seems to backup this papers findings.
I have seen a few fish like that. One was an adult 11lb steelhead in Little "Q" 1980 something. It was much healthier looking but had a distinct warp to it's spine just like the one in the picture. I had talked to a hatchery guy about it and he said it is common in hatching fry when the water is warm during egg incubation. The embryo can grow faster then the shell dissolves and sometimes cause deformed spines. Normally fish with this condition would not be noticed in nature because predators would have picked them out quickly. I am assuming that is a photo from the sheltered waters of a fish farm.