It's only money right??? Remote steering or Auto pilot?

Just following up with this. Have to say the autopilot especially with the remote is a complete gamechanger.

Tested it out quite a bit. Just having the ability to track boat straight during windy conditions especially a great feature. Setting gear you seem to pay more attention to the fishing etc. Find you also pay more attention to hazards around you.

What's cool is the remote disengages anytime and I have full control in front or my stern steering. The front also has an override switch as well.

The only thing I don't really like is moving at higher speeds with it on moving to a waypoint. It's a bit of a weird feeling have the boat steer itself.

For trolling etc. though it's pretty slick. Route feature is very useful as you can set against a contour line.
I have been trying it out with the remote this week.... I don't know how I could ever go back to the days without it. I was on my boat with my wife, her friend and 3 kids, NONE of them helping me out or paying attention. I was able to run gear, steer the boat, set a route etc while fishing standing at the back. My HDS Carbon also wifi's its display to a tablet at the back. No need to go up to the front of the boat when its crowded with tourist/freeloaders . Its amazing.

I said to my best fishing buddy when he was helping me install it "fool!!! do you realize you are helping me install your replacement?!?!?! hahaha" at the time I THOUGHT I was joking at but now........
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+1 on @Hot-Streak 's setup.
I was in their situation a year ago. Got the exact same setup with main MFD HDS 12"Live up front running a mirrored display through wifi to my phone at the back of the boat, and also with the remote fob aroiund my neck.
Game changer.
Just relaxing when setting gear even in wind and many boats around. It's like I bought a fishing buddy that doesnt talk back, just sits and steers all day. Worth it 100%. If you're thinking about the NAC-1 with remote fob, do it.
+1 on @Hot-Streak 's setup.
I was in their situation a year ago. Got the exact same setup with main MFD HDS 12"Live up front running a mirrored display through wifi to my phone at the back of the boat, and also with the remote fob aroiund my neck.
Game changer.
Just relaxing when setting gear even in wind and many boats around. It's like I bought a fishing buddy that doesnt talk back, just sits and steers all day. Worth it 100%. If you're thinking about the NAC-1 with remote fob, do it.
Installed mine two years ago. Been telling everyone it's a game changer but they all just roll their eyes and buy Islanders. Get your new friend Auto, better money spent than an Islander.
Hi all
I have Raymarine Axiom on my boat…is it better to stay with a Raymarine Auto (apparently the auto could be integrated with the existing screens) or could I switch it up with Lowrance Auto? Not sure if these systems could conflict.
Hi all
I have Raymarine Axiom on my boat…is it better to stay with a Raymarine Auto (apparently the auto could be integrated with the existing screens) or could I switch it up with Lowrance Auto? Not sure if these systems could conflict.
Raymarine Autopilot is absolutely great. I would go with it before the Lowrance. Probably easier integration of GPS and other features.
Ok update. So I've been using the autopilot constantly now. Just some facts/info
1) Took a little fidgeting to get the steering settings dialed in/rudder feedback settings. It will be different for each boat
2) I am starting to play with pre-planned routes. I have one that is set as "home from hali fishing" and as the name says once all gear is back on board I come up on plane and engage the route. I purposefully start the first waypoint a bit further towards heading back to port so that no matter where I anchor it will aim to that first waypoint.
3) The autopilot tracks straight so now I am weaving around less when going from point A to B. In theory it makes my boat waste less fuel (and I will eventually recover all the cost of it in gas savings...... in about 10,000 years hahaha)
4) I initially bought it for remote steering during slow trolling for salmon BUT I am really enjoying the ability to let it drive during cursing to the fishing grounds at speed.
5) I've noticed the go on sale at Harbour Chandler from time to time. Last sale the Outboard pilot was only $1000... agree with cpony comment, much better value then buying and Islander reel. Heck I'd happy pick this over a reel any day.

After having it for a few months now and not even using it much for salmon... I can't go back.... I WON'T go back to fishing without it.
I’m getting the Raymarine EV 150 installed right now and can’t wait to get to try it out.
I’m not sure if I will use it for anything other than fishing (trolling) as I’d be too worried about debris in the water using AP at speed. Or am I being paranoid?
I’m getting the Raymarine EV 150 installed right now and can’t wait to get to try it out.
I’m not sure if I will use it for anything other than fishing (trolling) as I’d be too worried about debris in the water using AP at speed. Or am I being paranoid?
I use mine at speed more then I thought I would. I still keep an eye on things. The outboard pilot has a big red button you install that turns off the autopilot and lets you take manual control right away. I can also make course changes with the fob. I enjoy the AP at cursing speed heading to the fishing spot.

Then again I also have Full Self Driving (it doesn't actually fully self drive) on my Tesla model 3 and it is pretty handy as well and feels the same. does most of the work on the highway but I'm always ready to take over.
TOTALLY, ill be honest I want to control MY boat .. I see clowns out there often with these so called auto pilot and all the do is ignore whats going on around them . Ive had to almost climb on my roof yelling or on my horn as they have there head down not paying attention. I think they would be great in places where there isnt another boat around, thats about it.
Totally agree with this ^^^
Have had two Lowrance auto pilots on may last boat and current boat.
Would never have a boat without it.
Great for solo fishing and long passages.
When we get a fish on we put the auto pilot into a slow turn (30 deg per minute) toward the fish.
The fish then comes up on the side of the boat and not at the stern
It is like a crew member that always does what they are told.
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It is like a crew member that always does what they are told.
I mostly fish solo. When I do, the crew member seldom does as he's told. 🎣🤔🙃🤣🤣🤣